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Updated on: 17/9/2024

Dynasty International School, Faridabad

Sector 28, - 121008, Faridabad (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)

Jobs in Schools || Schools in Faridabad

PHONE No.: 9311237913, 7303351456,

EMAIL: [email protected]

WEB SITE: dynastyinternationalschool.in/international/


CLASSES: Nursery to XIIth


LANGUAGES: Hindi, English




We, at Dynasty are striving towards excellence. We aspire that our students emerge excellent not just in academics and intellectual but also grow physically agile, morally upright, aesthetically appreciative and spiritually enlightened. We look forward to an educational system that will help enhance the child?s cognitive growth, his analytical, problem solving, and decision-making skills. We crave to see our children grow to become truly secular by inculcating in them a healthy respect for all religions and a proper understanding of their social responsibilities in our pluralistic society.

Our children will definitely emerge as global leaders in their respective areas with a balanced growth in their personality with the technology, the individuality, the independence, the cultures, the traditions and values of the nation. We crave to see our children grow up as responsible, bright, happy, compassionate, self-reliant and productive citizen of the country and the world. We make an endeavour to strengthen the healthy roots of our society. Living in harmony with the inherited wealth of natural environment and the collective heritage is the only way to a sustainable world.

We have begun this journey with an earnest desire and a prayer to see our dreams come true. As Terri McPherson said ? ?Let our legacy be one of action, a generation of doers, who prayed deeply and in earnest for the strength, the courage, the determination and conviction, to use our God-given gifts justly.?

NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.

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