Visitors: 525
Updated on: 27/10/2023
50/3,50/7 , Mouza Gotad Panjri,, Manewada Rd,, NAGPUR - 440037, Nagpur MAHARASHTRA (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)
PHONE No.: 8380004421,
EMAIL: [email protected]
CLASSES: Nursery to XII
LANGUAGES: Hindi/Marathi
Keeping in mind the learning occurs best when the curriculum is meaningful and connected to lives, the curriculum is based on three popular theories that are Child Centric, Knowledge Centric, and Society Centric which enables the students to develop an integrated personality. We understand the necessity to combine knowledge with morals and ethics and believe that children should not remain hidden behind growing mass of material, machines, and technology but understand and appreciate the urges and aspirations, the limitations and prejudices, the faith and hope of their fellow beings. Our concern is not to impart knowledge or make them intellectual identity but also socially well adjusted, emotionally sound, morally balanced, and physically healthy which makes us a distinguished center of learning. We provide ample opportunities to the students to enrich the delicacy of feeling and sense of social responsibility. To enhance the students all-round development and cultivate varied interests, a strong academic foundation is complemented with a rich selection of co-curricular activities. We encourage students to develop new interests and skills.
NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.
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