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Updated on: 8/30/2018

AL Muminah School,Navi Mumbai

Plot No.11, Sector 8-B, Opp. Allana Masjid, CBD Belapur, - 400614, Navi Mumbai (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)

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PHONE No.: 022 27573665, 9082817031

WEB SITE: www.almuminahschool.org





We have reached a stage where an average Muslim, educated in pure worldly academics, is unable to understand Islam because the Islamic theologians, who impart the Islamic teachings, are not educated in the Sciences and Mathematics and therefore, are unable to satisfactorily answer with logic and reasoning, the questions asked by Muslims educated in academics only.

We have come to a point where the majority of Muslims are unaware about the teachings of Islam. It is surprising that, even though Qur?an is the most read book in the world, it is the least understood book.

Islam has taught its followers to seek all ?beneficial knowledge.? Hence giving only religious education also does not suffice. Our aim is to provide both Islamic and 'worldly' academic knowledge to our students. We will strive to nurture girls of upright character and high academic caliber who will be Muslims in the truest sense of the world In sha Allah

NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.

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