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Updated on: 9/27/2018

Biyani Military School, Bhusawal

Jamner Road, Dist. Jalgaon, - 425309, Bhusawal (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)

Jobs in Schools || Schools in Bhusawal

PHONE No.: 02582 242010, 242015,

WEB SITE: biyanieducationgroup.com





An English Medium, Residential Military School. A high standard of education and discipline is the corner stone of the entire educational structure, it is formed through development of basic traits of honor, duty, courage and pride, it is characterized by attitudes of loyalty, courtesy, high moral and esprit de cops. Which means a feeling of pride and loyalty uniting the people. Since group discipline must begin with self discipline, it is natural that emphasis is placed on habits of neatness, promptness, orderliness, and military bearings. It is our purpose to introduce Military Education along with the existing academic curricular, to Maintain the high standards of academic and discipline at all times. For inculcating Spartan qualities in society namely discipline, courage, vigilance, values of life and patriotism. It is intended to integrate military education to students with the existing academic syllabus through English medium from std, V th, to bring dynamism in the over all personality of the students. Biyani Military School is established, with following aims in view.

To make the child discover his/her inner strength and to bring out the best in each
Children are encouraged to become both independent and inter dependent learners with collaborative project work.
To produce physically strong and mentally robust citizens of tomorrow.
To give the best available education sports and technical educational facilities to the young girls and boys to enable them to forge ahead in this competitive world, on finishing their school life.
To prepare cadets for entry in to the National Defence Academy (N.D.A.) and Naval Academy (NAVAC) and also for other walks of life.
To give the best food, excellent living conditions and healthy social life to the younger generation.
To impart Academic, Military training and Cultural awareness to boys/girls and to inculcate in them, qualities of initiative courage, leadership and to build up their National character.
To create a tension free environment and to approach everyday challenges with a Positive attitude.
To produce citizens who are proud of their culture, traditions and country at large.

NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.

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