Visitors: 1381
Updated on: 10/4/2019
MM Chotani Road, Mahim, - 400016, Mumbai (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)
PHONE No.: 022 24449322,
CLASSES: Nursery to X
TYPE: Girl
Canossa School situated in Mahim, was started in 1932 as a Primary School, annexed to the Parish of Our Lady of Victories. It was recognized as a High School in 1946.
Canossa High School is a Catholic School for Girls, established and administered by the Canossian Daughters of Charity. The School is under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop of Mumbai.
Aims and Objectives: Canossa High School aims primarily at the education of the Catholic Community and the preservation of the Catholic Faith and religious practices.
Preference in admission to the School will be given to Catholic children. Admission, however, is open to children of other communities without distinction of caste or creed.
With a view to preserving our Catholic faith, classes in Religion are conducted and it is obligatory for Catholic students to attend these classes. The Non-Catholic students are taught Moral Science, a course about their fundamental duties to God, to their fellow beings and to self.
NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.
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