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Updated on: 7/4/2021

Anand School, Parwanoo

Opp. Bank Square, Sector 1,, Parwanoo (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)

Jobs in Schools || Schools in Parwanoo

PHONE No.: 01792 232038, 9459917038

EMAIL: [email protected]

WEB SITE: www.anandschool.com




The ANAND School in Parwanoo, Himachal Pradesh, was established in April 1979, with a modest strength of 15 students and three teachers, with the objective of providing pre-primary and primary education of the best standard to the children of ANAND employees and others in the area. The school has grown with 325 students currently studying in it. The school is leading towards secondary education and is till class VII now; classes will be added each following year with the required additions in the school infrastructure. Today, it has become the most sought after school in Parwanoo and its adjoining areas and the demand is increasing every year. The ANAND School looks at 360 degree development of children that includes extracurricular activities, sports, and annual excursions.

NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.

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