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Updated on: 7/4/2022

Meera Public Schoool, Mansa

Mansa-Sirsa Road,, Sardulewala, - 151507, Mansa (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)

Jobs in Schools || Schools in Mansa

PHONE No.: 01659 250087, 9815714655,

EMAIL: [email protected]

WEB SITE: www.meeraschool.com



Baba Nand Singh Ji and Baba Ishar Singh Ji always promoted spiritual way of life, Following the values and principles of these great saints of our age, Sant Baba Bhajan Singh Ji & Bibi Kartar Kaur Ji is trying to give concrete shape to their views. Anand sagar academy is the incarnation of the dreams of Baba Nand singh Ji and Baba Isher Singh Ji . In Present age none can hope of going ahead if He/ she is bereft of any scientific attitude. Keeping in view the same idea he has tried to join two streams i.e. Spiritualism & Education A real path to greatness. The Academy also aims at all- round development of the boys and girls; Physical, emotional and intellectual with consciousness of social dimensions: Indian art, cultural, music, dance, various languages, Yoga, Martial art (Gatka, Krate, and Judo) sport and computer. At present school is up to +2 class with all streams :- Medical, Non-Medical, Commerce and even arts group and is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education , New Delhi. The school aims at disciplined students, educated in mind, body and spirit and hense best suited to serve their country.

NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.

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