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Updated on: 26/11/2024

Sanskar International School, Bargarh

Dang, PO Bardol, - 768028, Bargarh (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)

Jobs in Schools || Schools in Bargarh

PHONE No.: 8596998989, 9556654777, 9556654777

EMAIL: [email protected]

WEB SITE: www.sanskarbargarh.in


CLASSES: Nursery to XIIth


LANGUAGES: English Language




Day School
This is the conventional system; students arrive in the morning, attend classes of academic subjects and a period each in the core-curricular areas of Arts, Craft, Music and Computer, Games and leave for home by afternoon. After school, it is the responsibility of the parent for the child's security, supervision, completion of home-work and new learning areas. At times though, some students are asked to stay after school hours in case of preparation of any activity, rehearsal or school function; in such case, parents are informed in advance to facilitate pick up at the designated time.

Day Boarding School
This is the new approach to schooling; where the child comes to school in the morning without the school Bag and returns home in the evening without the school Bag, primarily to spend time with the family, eat dinner and sleep!

All the needs of the child viz. food, education, homework, sports, games, co-curricular development, reading etc are the responsibility of the school. The day boarding schedule provides for a time-tabled program from morning to evening for all of the above, duly attended to and supervised by appropriate teachers, coaches and instructors. The extra time is an opportunity for the child to undertake the higher level of coaching/ guidance/ practice in the chosen area of sports/ music/ dance etc along with remedial and enrichment classes in academic subjects. All in all- every need- is provided at one place.

Food and Dining
A balanced and nutritious diet for the young children is provided where the menu and the preparations are taken care of personally by the Management; in a modern and well equipped kitchen. Food in school is mandatory for Day Boarding and Boarding, and optional for Day School students.

NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.

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