Visitors: 1648
Updated on: 11/2/2017
PO. Jajang Distt., - 758034, Keonjhar (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)
PHONE No.: 06767 279230,
EMAIL: [email protected]
CLASSES: Class Ist to XIIth
LANGUAGES: English, Hindi, Udia, Sanskrit
Patience, persistence ceaseless efforts and strong determination make an unbeatable combination of success. EMIL D.A.V Public School, a newfangled facet of D.A.V movement, the brainchild of Swami Dayanand Saraswati Jee, is situated at Jilling in the district of Keonjhar, Odisha. The School being established in 1st April 2013 under the aegis of Aditya Birla Group , has a bee in its bonnet of carrying the lamp of education to each and every doorstep and aims at holistic development of children?s personality. It is an institution of a pace setting educational centre with multifarious and dynamic dimensions.
Following CCE pattern the school has been doing yeoman?s work and brings out innovation in accordance with the curriculum by making it lively, interesting and user friendly. Important areas such as Life Skills and multiple Intelligences of the children are focused in the curriculum. In order to supplement academic excellence with all-round development of our students, there is a strong focus on imbibing students? ethics and discipline and develop a deep rooted value system. Besides curricular activities it never deviates from the integral parts of school activities i.e. co-curricular activities. As the school is on the path of achievements, induction and in-service training are given to teachers to update the knowledge to bone and to create awareness to the latest development that have taken place in teaching, learning, evaluation and other fields.The students are not paragons, still their ostentatious and characteristics calibre is diffused in scholastic and no-scholastic fields. As per the guidelines all the activities are carried out and assessed at different levels. The school never deviates from its path in giving equal importance to parents by inviting them frequently for proper analysis, it revitalises the student and PTA acts like a booster.
EMIL D.A.V. Public School nurtures the children with right education and gives very best preparation for the demands of the future. By investing their basic education, the School contributes to the country?s development and creates a literate and self sufficient society. Also the school aims at making some sensitive human beings, who in future, will shine in their respective fields as responsible citizens of our country. So, be optimistic, hope for a bon voyage and let?s pray God for his choicest blessings upon the institution.
NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.
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