Visitors: 1483
Updated on: 10/22/2018
Monfort Hils, Tlangnuam, - 796005, Aizawl (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)
PHONE No.: 0389 2322702,
EMAIL: [email protected]
St. Paul?s Higher Secondary School, is a Catholic Institution, administered by the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel, an International Religious Society, widely known for its mission among school going youth and the many initiatives they undertake in support of justice, peace, human rights and integrity of creation.
St. Paul?s provide a happy, inspiring and exciting learning environment that encourages positive working attitudes in all our pupils, and foster a sense of respect and tolerance for the beliefs and opinions of others. An assortment of educational opportunities are provided for our students, through our curricular and co-curricular programmes that include regular parent-teacher and student-teacher meetings and discussions.
Experienced and dedicated, teachers set high standards for the students, always inspiring them to strive for excellence and high achievement.
The Alumni Association provides the past pupils with an ideal platform to maintain strong ties with the school in a spirit of loyalty and to promote the general welfare of the school.
All the members of the Staff, Students and Alumni are collectively known as ?PAULIANS?.
A positive and enduring partnership between home and school is considered essential in enabling a child to achieve his/her full potential. Hence we expect sincere collaborationwith the parents and the guardians of our students that will continue throughout your child?s school career here and always.
NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.
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