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Updated on: 10/8/2021

St Maria Gorettis School, Kolasib

Venglai, - 796081, Kolasib (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)

Jobs in Schools || Schools in Kolasib

PHONE No.: 03837 220419, 9436372643

EMAIL: stmariagorettischool13 @gmail.com

WEB SITE: smgklb.besnep.org





History Of St. Maria Goretti's School - Kolasib, Mizoram
St Maria Goretti?s school in its glorious 53 unfolds here the moments captured through the foot prints in the sands of time. It was in 1960 that the Holy Cross Fathers ran hostels both for boys and girls who studied in St John?s High School, Kolasib, Mizoram which was then Lushai District in Assam. It was Rt. Rev. James Knox, the internuncio, Vatican Representative in India, who on his visit to Mizoram suggested that some sisters could be invited to take care of the girls in the hostel. In response Mgr. Breen, the Apostolic Prefect of Halflongprefecture, invited Bethany Sisters in response to which mother Macrina and her councillor visited the place in 1961. Inspite of insurgency problems and backwardness of the place, Bethany sisters resolved to take up the North East Mission which was pioneered by Srs. Misericors, Dolora, Inviolata and Sylvine on 28thJune 1962

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