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Visitors: 1979
Updated on: 8/17/2018

Asha School, Shillong

C/O 58, Gorkha Training Centre, - 793007, Shillong (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)

Jobs in Schools || Schools in Shillong

PHONE No.: 0364 2585707,

EMAIL: [email protected]

WEB SITE: awwa.org.in/asha-school-shillong


CLASSES: Senior Secondary




The Asha school Shillong was established on 31st Aug 1998 within the premises of 58 Gorkha Training Centre, Happy Valley with the noble aim of educating and rehabilitating the differently abled children of all ranks of defence forces, para military forces, civil defence personnel and civilians residing in Shillong and also to assist them in leading a dignified life in future. The school is being administered under the aegis of HQ 101 Area by 58 Gorkha Training centre.

Asha School Shillong was first registered with the Office of the Registrar of Societies, Government of Meghalaya as ?Asha Rehabilitation Centre, 58 GTC, Happy Valley, Shillong? under the Meghalaya Societies Registration Act XII of 1983 vide Registration Number SR/ARC-632/98 on 27th November 1998.

The School is also recognized by the Directorate of Social Welfare, Shillong under the Persons with Disabilities (Equal opportunities, Protection of Rights and full Participation) Act 1995 as a Rehabilitation Centre for the persons with disability vide Registration number SW/HP.9/92/Pt.III/561 dated 10th March 2005.
Asha School Shillong has been registered with the Office of the Commissioner of Income Tax, Shillong under Section 12AA of the Income Tax Act 1961 wef Year 2010 ? 2011 vide Registration No 70/12AA/CIT(TECH)/SHG/10-11/1607-10 dated 30 May 2011 and under Section 80G (5) of the Income Tax Act 1961 wef Year 2010-2011 vide Registration No83/80G/CIT(TECH)SHG/20-11-12/3095-103 dt 22 July

NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.

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