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Updated on: 7/17/2018
Ghari Awarg, Leikai, - 795148, Imphal (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)
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The institution, under the proposal of Local educationists and competent renowned persons, has rightly been established since the year 2011 with an affiliation to the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Manipur under the name, XTRA-EDGE SCHOOL with its affiliation No. 1/96/96 ? HSC (Vol ? IV): Imphal, The 13th July, 2011, at Sagolband Bijoygovinda Mamang Leikai by the M/S. XTRA-EDGE FOUNDATION.
The reckless attitude of everything is undesirable in education. Education itself is a never ending process with an attire in infinity. It must be formal and fact in its journey, not a fake. No doubt, this institution, within a short period of about 4 years, we have produced some students in the national and international standard. But, hope is like a ladder, leading the steps higher and higher still just to get possible results of our actions. And, as such, the shiftment of this institution from Sagolband Bijoy Govinda Mamang Leikai to Ghari Awang Leikai, Imphal West, from the session 2015 - 2016 is one of the approaches for a future betterment, where the teacher and the taught may enjoy complete serenity and appeasement in their activation with their studies without disturbance, having enough space, grounds and other well ? equipped modern infrastructures, rooms and introducing computer class rooms for the purpose. Indeed, this new place may rightly be called a heaven for academic atmosphere.
NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.
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