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Visitors: 1580
Updated on: 7/16/2018

City Montessori Hr Sec School, Imphal

Lamboi khongnangkhong, - 795001, Imphal (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)

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WEB SITE: www.citymontessorihssimphal.com


CLASSES: Nursery to XII




Welcome to City Montessori Higher Secondary School Lamboikhongnangkhong, an institution with quality education in quality ambience. Once coming to us will make all the difference in your overall personality. In the era of stiff competition, Success can only be achieved if one makes the right kind of Endeavour at right time and in right direction. We are striving hard to promote excellence in the education that will give our students to sail through tough competition and tough situation smoothly with mental and moral courage.

We are confident that you will find this school as impressive and exciting

The pace of development in science and technology has brought about newer approaches to the teaching-learning process in schools. Efforts are made to make teaching more relevant, meaningful and productivity oriented. We introduces new innovative teachings such as short cut analysis of the main theme of the lesson, seminar oriented teaching attitude and examination oriented sum up (for XI & XII), playway methods specially for primary students so as to cultivate scientific attitude and scientific temper, so the thought process of the learner is nursed and cultivated along with the moulding of a dynamic, well discipline, good moral character. Any useful suggestions for the improvement and welfare of the School as well as the students are most welcome

NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.

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