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Updated on: 9/26/2018

Herbert School, Imphal

Changangei, Airport Road, - 795140, Imphal (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)

Jobs in Schools || Schools in Imphal

PHONE No.: 9862293749,

EMAIL: [email protected]

WEB SITE: www.herbertschool.org


CLASSES: Sr Secondary


LANGUAGES: English Language




HERBERT SCHOOL, Imphal formerly known as Harvard School was established in the year 2000 A.D. at Sagolband Bijoy Govinda by the Herbert Educational Foundation, Manipur with a vision to achieve academic excellence by imparting quality Education at the +2 level and to inculcate spiritual richness, transparency in thought and action through value based education. It is a co-educational  institute recognized by the Council of Higher Education, Manipur. It offers comprehensive Science Education at the XI and XII standards. Being desirous of maintaining an ideal academic environment away from the din and bustle of the city, Herbert Educational Foundation, Manipur constructed the present School building at Changangei near Tulihal Airport, Imphal at a distance of about 4 km. from the heart of the city along the Tiddim Road. It is easily accessible by various means of transport. The school started working in its own building at Changangei from the session 2003-2004.

The new Millennium being characterised by rapid expansion of the horizon of knowledge and technical advancement of high order, effective teaching-learning in such an environment is the key to success of life. Herbert School with its team of dedicated, highly qualified and well experienced teachers will create an exciting environment for ideal teaching-learning activities by using the modern Teaching Aids like Multimedia, Internet, CDs, Slide Projector and Audio-visual aids. It aims at bringing a revolutionary change in the era of modern education by applying the latest trends, concepts and thoughts in education.

Set to become an island of learning, at Herbert School a student will learn to strive tirelessly aiming at perfection, while imbibing the joy of living every minute. By maintaining a good academic atmosphere, faculty members will stimulate the students to have an urge to know and to go beyond the frontiers of the known with the help of Audio visual Aids.

NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.

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