Visitors: 1814
Updated on: 10/4/2017
Amrita Nagar, Panchikkal, Ayyanthol, - 680003, Thrissur (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)
PHONE No.: 0487 2366066,
EMAIL: [email protected]
CLASSES: Class Ist to XIIth
LANGUAGES: English Language
We provide state of the art facilities in our campus. We have ensured that the most modern lab facilities are available to our students.
Computer Education
Computer Education initiates our young students into the captivating world of computing, and introduces them to its wide and ever increasing range of applications.
We commence computer education from lower classes itself. We make sure that high end machines are available for each child. Our computer lab is spacious and occupies two rooms, a junior lab and senior lab with the latest computers.
Science and Math Labs
Our Amrita Vidyalayam has well equipped science labs, and we focus mainly on hands-on practical work, so that students may get a better insight into scientific theories. This enhances the inherent inquisitiveness of the student and energizes him to examine uncharted paths. We have three science labs, one each for Physics, Chemistry and Biology, each occupying two rooms. In these labs, we have the most modern scientific equipment and teaching aids which reflect the high standard of education set by us.
Our Math lab, a fresh concept in the educational field, helps students to understand mathematical principles through exercises, models and teaching aids.
library occupies a spacious room with a large collection of books on a wide variety of topics. Books on spirituality, foreign publications, Encyclopaedias, literary work in English and Malayalam, etc. are available. In addition to this, we also have rare reference books that help to enhance the knowledge of the students.
Our school promotes reading, and encourages students to cultivate a reading habit which in turn can help them to augment their knowledge and language skills.
Physical fitness is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity. Sports provide an excellent opportunity for our students to stay fit and develop team spirit and friendship among other things.
The school has taken great care to ensure that all sports requirements are met and our children are benefited by the same. We have one room for sports related activities and have provision for indoor games such as carrom, chess and badminton. Ample facilities for outdoor games such as volley ball, hand ball, foot ball, cricket and kho ? kho are available, since we have the respective playgrounds. In addition, we have a long jump pit and a 400 metres track to support athletics.
NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.
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