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Updated on: 11/13/2018

Sri Guru Gobind Singh Public School, Jammu

Kunjwani Talab, - 180001, Jammu (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)

Jobs in Schools || Schools in Jammu

PHONE No.: 0191 2480004, 2480461, 9419182707

EMAIL: [email protected]

WEB SITE: sgnet.co.in





Above named Institution was established in the year 1982 in the rural area of Kunjwani Talab, Jammu. It was started with a missionary zeal to cater the educational needs and help the weaker sections of the society. The students population of Kunjwani and its surrounding areas continue to benefit both economically and educationally from this prestigious institute.

The Milestone of its educational growth lime lights in its alumni who have excelled in divergent spheres of higher academic pursuits. The institution in a very short span of tremendous educational par ? excellence destiny produces a number of doctors, engineers and professionals in the field of Law, KAS, MBAs and CAs. The overall results of the school every year continue to shine in merit with positions and distinctions in Middle, Matric and higher secondary classes.

In its philanthropic enigma build up vision the institute has enshrined service before self as its motto by providing free education to the orphan and needy students of the society. At present more than ten orphan students are getting free education upto 12th standard in the school. Besides the school also extends free helping hand to many other poor and needy meritorious students for any concession to develop their educational skills.

The school has a very good faculty. The teachers are quite dedicated, affectionate and highly experienced to cater to the educational aspirations of the school children and their parents. It has a large computer, chemistry, physics and Biology laboratories. This provides the institution an edge among other various schools of the area by providing high and the best quality of education.

NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.

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