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Updated on: 8/28/2018

Asia English School, Ahmedabad

Asia Campus, Drive in Road, Opposite Indraprasth Tower, - 380054, Ahmedabad (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)

Jobs in Schools || Schools in Ahmedabad

PHONE No.: 079 26856446, 26856447,

EMAIL: [email protected]

WEB SITE: www.asiaenglishschool.org






ASIA ENGLISH SCHOOL is a co-educational English medium school established in the year 1965 by Asia Charitable Trust (registered under the Public Trust Act.1860) in  Ahmedabad. The school functions under the guidance and direction of the Chairman and a team of professionals and academicians appointed by the Trust. It is affiliated to CBSE since 01.04.2015.

ASIA ENGLISH SCHOOL has emerged as a well-known co-educational English Medium School in Ahmedabad focussing on holistic education and all round development of its students. It has now about 2000 students and functions from its own building at ASIA Campus, Drive-in-Road, Ahmedabad. The school has spacious and well ventilated classrooms equipped with latest technology and a good playground. Highly qualified and experienced teachers from all over the country manage the teaching-learning system, providing a cosmopolitan feel at the school.

ASIA believes that academic education alone is not enough to be successful in life. Co-curricular activities and life skill education also play a vital role in the overall development of children. At ASIA the students learn and find new ways to express themselves, recognize their own strength and weakness , enabling them to act in their own interest and stand up to face difficult life situations.

Students at ASIA ENGLISH SCHOOL learn their lessons with great zest and enthusiasm, as they are taught in very un- conventional and in the most effective practical ways where in the entire staff is involved in a unidirectional approach ensuring parental touch to each child.

NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.

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