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Updated on: 1/11/2018

DAV Public School, SECL Kusmunda

Adarsh Nagar, SECL Kusmunda, - 495454, Kusmunda (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)

Jobs in Schools || Schools in Kusmunda

PHONE No.: 07815 271329, 271329,

EMAIL: [email protected]

WEB SITE: davkusmunda.com


CLASSES: Senior Secondary


LANGUAGES: English, Hindi




Introduction Heartily welcome to this academic session. You are also a part of our D.A.V. school family. The school in its glorious march seeks your co-operation to go forward.

"A Quality Education" is our motto and the school is aware about it. Though imparting knowledge has been given on priority, special emphasis is given to the over-all development of the student. We guide them in acquisitions of necessary skills and academic proficiency which will enable them to cope up with the challenges of globalization and technological revolution in the fast changing world scenario.

The environment, provided to all learning is conducive and productive with the help of audio-visual aids, computers and other academic based devices. Upgrading of teaching skills in the terms of matter as well as manner is done at regular intervals.

The school aims at the integral and total formation of the young. It is our commitment to make the children the real and authentic values of society which come by hard work and perseverance. Special efforts are made to help the students to become mature and spiritually oriented men of character. Students are continuously being encouraged to strive for excellence in every field, to be clear and firm on principles and courageous in action to be unselfish in the service of the society and to become the agents of social change in the country.

We are thankful to you that you have shown a great faith in us as you handover your little kids to us. They are like potter?s clay and we are here to mould them in true citizens of the country. In this concern, we want to assure you that no stone will remain unturned.

NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.

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