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Updated on: 11/18/2018

DAV Public School, Patna

Police Colony, A/88, Gandhi Vihar, Anisabad, - 800002, Patna (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)

Jobs in Schools || Schools in Patna

PHONE No.: 9263182160,

EMAIL: [email protected]

WEB SITE: davanisabad.com


CLASSES: Sr. Secondary


LANGUAGES: English, Hindi




D.A.V. Public School, Anisabad, Patna is one of the oldest DAV institution established in Bihar. The name itself says it all as it exhibits the motto of our institution more beautifully than any slogan could. Anglo as well as Vedic, we have succeeding in trending the tightrope, with modernity on one side and tradition on the other. Past and present, we have maintained a balance between the values of the years gone by and the trends of the current times.
Our school has bagged many laurels in curriculum as well as learning strategies brings us the facts of life faster then we can assimilate them. Hence at DAV, Anisabad we keeping the spark of curiosity and to re-orient the experiences of past to suit the present.

At present we are running this school in two rented building up to VIIth standard. We are registered with Government of Bihar under RTE Act to run school up to VIIIth standard. I am happy to mention here that very soon we are starting our school?s own building construction at Palanga. Our 2 acre plot is located on Anisabad-Punpun Road, which will be developed up to +2 standard school very soon.

Marching ahead with the aspiration to accomplish the best of everything DAV Anisabad is recreating a totalling new image of the school with the motto of Discipline, Diligence and Dedication.

NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.

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