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Updated on: 12/20/2017

Holy Brook School, Tinsukia

Near St Lukes Hospital, Pakharijan, - 786146, Tinsukia (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)

Jobs in Schools || Schools in Tinsukia

PHONE No.: 0374 2330044, 2338597,

EMAIL: [email protected]

WEB SITE: www.hbstinsukia.com


CLASSES: Senior Secondary




HOLY BROOK SCHOOL - We Care to Care,Tinsukia,Assam was established in the year 2005, with the strength of only 16 students and now presently,  the strength of our school is 700 students . The main objective of setting this school was not only to impart quality education to the pupils, but to provide the higher values like, discipline, tidiness, regularity, punctuality etc so that they can prepare themselves for this modern & complex world.

We have tried our level best to fulfill our school slogan "we care to care" by giving our tiny-tots a homely atmosphere & motherly care, as they have stepped to a new world just from their mother's lap. Parents are also very pleased & happy in this regard and also by seeing their wards' all round development like, physical, mental, emotional, aesthetic, social, intellectual etc., which help us to grow our institution as one of the most popular & successful institutions in the town within a very short period of time. By the grace of Almighty our student strength has increased remarkably. We have upgraded only one class every year in a very planned way.

We are very much concerned about the scholastic as well as co-scholastic development of each and every child. Proper copy maintenance. proper copy checking, no pending work, clear explanation by the teacher with proper teaching aids, home assignment at a regular interval, audio-visual classes, wall magazine competition(monthly) between the four different houses, worksheets related to the chapters or any coming event or festival and many other interesting & memorable days are being celebrated in the school campus according to the pupils' level of understanding, for which teachers are also being instructed, guided or counselled for the achievement of our objective with the remarkable behavioral change of the pupils.

NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.

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