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Updated on: 9/27/2018

Aditya National Public School, Bengaluru

#12, Behind Annapurneshwari Temple, Kogilu Main Road, Maruthi Nagar, Yelahanka, - 560040, Bengaluru (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)

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PHONE No.: 080 65471969, 9620839000

EMAIL: [email protected]

WEB SITE: adityanps.in


CLASSES: Senior Secondary






Teaching method
Aditya Offers top facility schools bangalore for their students.Personal attention to every child by the teacher is the key note of all classes.No set time table is allowed in Nursery class. writing and oral learning work is made to do in the school during the supervised study time every day. Children especially in the pre primary section are allowed to learn by fun through play way method. Audio visual aid like computer CD drives ,CD ROM and projectors are used.

Assessment System
Promotion to the next higher class at the end of the academic year is on the basis of a scheme of continuous assessment through unit tests and Terminal Examinations Conducted three times a year.a student is required to achieve a minimum of 40% in each subject in all Terminal Exams.

Digital Class ( Edurite)
Interactive and multimedia class room is also used for the better understanding of subject &Language.The classroom teaching is not teacher centred but it is student-centred. The activity based teaching and learning is enjoyable as well as interesting for each child. The teachers are only facilitators.project works on almost all subjects and experiments of sciences are also done as a part of teaching learning process. The maximum strength is not more than 25 in every class. Thus Teachers are able to do justice to their duty by giving personal & individual attention to every child.

Educational Excursions
To provide an all round experience and exposure to the world, children are taken out on conducted picnics or excursions students of all the classes are encouraged to participate in these trips.

Games & Sports
Sports are an integral part of the routine and all students are expected to participate regularly. A normal day begins with early morning P.T.prayer and assembly. The various games like Kho Kho ,hand ball, rings,shuttle,Badminton practiced. Indoor games like chess ,carom are also some of the games.

NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.

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