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Updated on: 8/14/2022

Gauri Dutt Mandelia High School, Ranchi

Ratu Road, PO. GPO-Ranchi, Sukhdev Nagar, - 834001, Ranchi (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)

Jobs in Schools || Schools in Ranchi

PHONE No.: 9430127888, 9931623469

CLASSES: 1st to 10th


LANGUAGES: English, Hindi



Gauri Dutt Mandelia High School ratu road ranchi is one of the oldest school  of ranchi. It is educated the society to about 55years. It was stablished on1958 and got permission by Bihar School Examination Board Patna on 1962. Then it was under taken by Bihar Goverment on 02.10.1980. Now it is under Human Resource Department ( Education Deparment )Goverment of jharkhand And recognised by Jharkhand Academic Council Ranchi. Classes are running upto class 10th. Presently 11 well qualified and

dedicated teachers are providing knowledge to about 250 poors children.

Library :-Our school library is very rich. Its contains so many books like life sketches of great leader, story books, novels , help books of different writers etc. Students enjoy to spend their time in library. Library has sitting arrangements also.

Laboratory:-School has well equipped laboratory for all three streams i.e. Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Experiments provide a strong foumdation for budding scientists.

Mid-day Meal :-School follows all rules to provide nutritious food to prevent children from mal-nutrition. Time to time they get special food also.

Free books:-Students get free books upto 8th std from school at the time of admission.It gives them immense pleasure.

NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.

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