Visitors: 1385
Updated on: 10/17/2018
Dal Mill Road, - 363001, Surendranagar (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)
PHONE No.: 02752 285433,
EMAIL: [email protected]
CLASSES: Nursery to XII
Dayamayi Mata School is a Private Minority co-educational institution run by the Catholic Minority Trust. It is a recognized non-granted school under Gujarat Education Board. The goal of the Dayamayi Mata school is to provide quality education and circulate the best standards of learning among children, with excellence. Focus is given to individual potential and each student is believed to be unique.
Dayamayi Mata School is owned by "Dayamayi Mata Education Trust" of Catholic Diocese of Rajkot. It is a catholic minority school primarily meant for the education of catholic children, but it is open to all irrespective of religion, caste or community, It promotes religious tolerance and communal harmony.
Classes comprise of Nursery, Lower K. G., Upper K.G. and standard I to XII (Commerce & Science) The Syllabus and Text Books are of the Gujarat State. English medium classes are from Nursery to Std. XII and Gujarati medium Classes are from L.K.G. to Std. X.
We also Focus on students of the surrounding areas, to develop the qualities of independence, providing them equal opportunities, to provide the curriculum that leads to the holistic development of the child and for the growth of the Bright future citizens.The method of teaching is child-oriented and the atmosphere is warm and friendly.
Dayamayi Mata school has always pursued new frontiers and embraced new education techniques and tricks with aplomb to ensure that each one of the student who passes through its arches has been equipped to succeed. We taken upon the responsibility to ensure that each child is educated not just in course subjects but in lessons of life like honesty, hard work and dedication.
NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.
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