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Updated on: 12/11/2018

Gyan Bharti Public School, Darbhanga

Laxmisagar, Darbhanga, - 846009, Darbhanga (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)

Jobs in Schools || Schools in Darbhanga

PHONE No.: 06272 259039, 9334001641

EMAIL: [email protected]

WEB SITE: gbpsdbg.org



LANGUAGES: English, Hindi




Science Laboratory
A science laboratory is set to educate students form class IV to class X, the practical knowledge of physics, Chemistry and Biology. Skilled teachers in different faculties teach the students.

Mathematics Laboratory
A well to do and uptodate laboratory for Mathematics is set to eradicate the concerning darkness from top to toe. Our expert teachers devote their valuable time for the benefit of students. Interested students should consult the incharge.

Reading Room
There is a reading room in this school as a co-branch of library where different magazines are available to study. Students may take advantage of it. They are directed to meet the incharge for more details.

Examination Department
There is an examination department in the school premises which is controlled by an expert examination controller. Two summative assessments and four formative assessments are organized to test their abilities. Section-toppers are awarded on the occasion of annual function. Progress reports are given to students. The controller decides to take such an amount from each student so that examination may go well.

Games and Sports
Games and sports have an important place in our life. A sound mind dwells in a sound body. Thus our school manages different games and sports. Three toppers from each and every game are awarded with testimonials on the occasion of annual function. Our students win different shields in different games organized elsewhere. An incharge manages everything.

Scout and Guide
To cultivate patriotism each and every student is blessed with the training of scout and guide by out trained teachers. Sometimes our school conducts educational tours to make students aware of not only India?s rich culture but also means of transport taking place rapidly. There are two incharges of this department one from male teachers and another from ladies. Students have to deposit the proper amount.

National Security and Child Psychology

India is unique in the world in the sphere of bravery, tolerance and selflessness. Our scholars and our warriors are always ready to sacrifice their everything. Our children are not a bit less than they. Mother India is their God and they can offer their heads on her feet and at the same moment they can chop off others head also.

Dance, Music and entertainment department
The great muse awarded us dance, music and education to us. In this regard our school has opened such a department as can be where students can contact their teachers to acquire mastery over different musical instruments and other skills. There is an expert incharge who manages it very well. Students should contact the incharge for more details.

Literature society
The literature society of our school has been spreading its light since long. The incharge of this society manages its norms very well. Generally a speech contest is organized time to time under group A, B, C and D for students of IX and X, VII and VIII, V and VI and III and IV respectively. The toppers are awarded with Bharti ratna, Bhartishree, Bhartiprabha and Bhartikiran respectively. Besides it, the society chooses announcers also. The announcers are awarded with ?Vani-samman? Besides testimonials students are given some prizes also.

NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.

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