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Updated on: 9/25/2018

Miles Bronson Residential School, Guwahati

Near LGB International Airport, Borjhar, - 781015, Guwahati (Report an error in WHATSAPP at: 9899104337)

Jobs in Schools || Schools in Guwahati

PHONE No.: 0361 2841766, 9706001665, 9864023638

EMAIL: [email protected]

WEB SITE: www.mbrsguwahati.edu.in


CLASSES: Sr. Secondary


LANGUAGES: English Language




It is a home away from home- a community which promotes the importance of shared values, here we seek to encourage a real enthusiasm for learning and a sprit for enquiry. Founded in the fond memory of the great missionary, linguist and social reformer of the early 19th century Dr. Miles Bronson, this school is situated in Guwahati - the nerve centre of the North-East India.

MBRS aims to harness the immense potential of the students by imparting true knowledge, right experiences and there by transform them into dynamic forces for social change and development. Firmly based in secular principles MBRS is a happy, vibrant and forward- looking school. Here intellectual achievement is highly valued, with the pursuit of excellence in other fields which is central to the schools'

commitment to provide the very best all-round education. At the core of a MBRS education is our belief that every individual has talents to be discovered and nurtured and that our challenge is to develop this while preparing our students for their future beyond school.
Our website attempts to give a flavour of the school and its life, its students, its academic courses, its achievements, its buildings and the activities in which the staff and students participate. If you like to know more,

NOTE: The information given is the best of our knowledge collected from various sources for the benefit of the students, if any correction needed or removal of the information completely please write email.

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